Monday, February 9, 2009


Chris brown hit a female. The your famous pop star since 2005 with his hit song Run it.

HE turned his self in on Sunday THe day of the gammys. Were he was getting nominated for 2

awards and him and rehanna were supose to performe. They we last seen saturday night at a

pre grammy party. They say that he turned himself in at aroun 7 and one of the cops

interviewed him. He was latter released on a $50,000 bond. I mean goodness.

Like they say you shouldnt beat on woman. What was he thinking. HE think he is all big and bad. Well now he dose not have such a good record. Unlike all of the other pop singers. He was doing good and had a commercial with Speriment gum and he had things going for him now he is going to have a little trouble trying to get any deals because im sure that no one would like to have some one sponcer them that beats on woman. Well Thats my story.

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